
[01:12] CWong: 鱷魚談
[07:56] M.f. Li: 藍皮書
[20:47] Albert Wong: finally
[20:42] Albert Wong: dunno
[20:39] Martin: Overrun!?
[20:38] Albert Wong: 20:37 already la wor
[20:37] Martin: 20:30
[20:36] Albert Wong: 今晚KC又冇節目?
[21:15] mihkoperator: 圖表學人即將播出 請稍候
[20:41] Calvin Cheung: Anything to watch tonight?
[20:19] Albert Wong: 唔知呢, FB冇提過
[20:19] Pak Lee: really
[20:18] Martin: 改咗?
[20:17] Albert Wong: 節目時間表寫星期五!?
[20:14] Albert Wong: 我都想知
[20:10] Albert Wong: 今晚KC有冇節目?
[20:10] Martin: Hello
[20:03] Albert Wong: hello all
[21:18] mihkoperator: 由於網路問題有LAG機情況 此為免費節目 可到重溫觀看
[20:37] doman: 其實,表達咩叫“平衡宇宙,弦理論,量子力學,曼德拉效應”,最好睇“F檔案: Fringe",男主角Peter。粒子對撞機,就睇“閃電俠”。普通人,比較容易吸收。但會產生自己幻想,陰謀論,文化基因,以訛傳訛。
[20:19] doman: 曾繁光醫生,成日在電台,如果,煩躁,叫人熄電視,唔好睇新聞。老一輩,郭兆明博士,他仲以為“九大行星”。呢個叫“資訊偏差”,這個名詞,由我改。我比一般人,好熟電台網台,分析新聞資訊。
[20:11] doman: 曼德拉效應! 驗DNA,咪得囉。呢個問題,每個人,吸收新聞資訊取捨問題,唔係每個人,對新聞敏銳。eg: 九大行星? 還是八大行星? 過幾年,又普通人,又爭論一翻。因為,他們不是天文學家,唔留意科學。
[20:58] Vincent : thanks Wallance
[20:49] Vincent : what is the meaning of STRIKE ? tks
[20:49] Vincent : what is the meaning of STRIKE ? tks
[20:35] Vincent : KC sir, 開個期權班?你地剛剛D備容好深呀?
[20:24] felix: i am one of those
[20:24] Dickson Lau: 個個人聽到short call/put 輸無限就落閘
[20:22] Dickson Lau: 期權永遠都好過輪 !!! 輪溢價高d !!
[20:21] doman: KC Sir,你好! 我入來學野,我對財經,股票,一無所知,由零開始。
[19:10] mihkoperator: 今晚《MIHK.tv每週通訊》將公佈最新台務,關符MIHK.tv發展的決定。 8:00pm於全台頻道聯播。敬請留意 !
[20:06] Calvin Cheung: 好細聲
[17:33] MIHK.tv: 黎緊9月30號下晝2點,MIHK.TV會舉辦有關澳門永念庭嘅座談會,名額只限30個,快D打上黎3955 8673或者whatsapp 98108874登記報名啦!
[17:30] MIHK.tv: 澳門氹仔永念庭位於澳門氹仔中心地段,鄰近澳門機場同埋氹仔碼頭,加上年底港珠澳大橋通車,分分鐘比響香港紀念先人更加方便,庭園依山面海而建,背有靠山,恬靜安寧, 今日就為家人嘅終生之居、為自己嘅他生之處籌謀, 從此之後,無後顧之憂,安享天年。 黎緊9月30號下晝2點,MIHK.TV會舉辦有關澳門永念庭嘅
[17:29] MIHK.tv: 近年黎喺香港要買一個永久福位安頓好先人,唔係一件容易嘅事, 澳門氹仔永念庭絕對係供奉先人或作投資用途嘅好選擇。 永念庭位於澳門氹仔中心地段,鄰近澳門機場同埋氹仔碼頭, 加上年底港珠澳大橋通車,分分鐘比響香港紀念先人更加方便, 庭園依山面海而建,背有靠山,恬靜安寧, 由專業知識嘅台灣服務管理團隊主理,
[18:32] MIHK.tv: 9月23日星期六係MIHK.tv 中秋開放日! 開放時間係中午12時至下午7時。 當日全線大甲乾麵勁減$10! 另外仲有兩款中秋節限定有禮盒發售! 多姬雜貨好多產品當日都有Discount架! 仲有一系列盛香珍產品、日本威士忌,記得mark定時間地址上黎掃貨啦!
[20:47] KC Chan: HSI 28600, 29160, 30180 will be the resistant ahead
[20:44] KC Chan: ECN 金同銀, 我公司可提供, 外匯就沒有.
[20:40] 顏千海: ECN 邊間好?
[20:37] Dickson Lau: spread窄過做期金
[20:26] Wong Arbut: 聲時有時冇?
[20:12] 顏千海: tks sir
[20:10] KC Chan: Lead by #700 .Hard to say where is the resistant of the HSI.
[20:01] 顏千海: 期指再到咩位有阻力
[21:20] Vincent : 700
[20:02] 顏千海: hello
[20:02] Vincent : 郭兆明博士 你好
[19:51] Vincent : KC sir, how are you ?
[14:47] Wing Kuen Au Yeung: 由於今天的節目準備將會受到天氣及交通影響,避免個別節目來不及播放,今天所有節目及頻道,將會休息一天。
[17:05] mihkoperator: MIHK.TV APP (IPHONE收看直播節目) 經已回覆正常 .敬請留意.謝謝
[18:47] mihkoperator: 於MIHK APP在IPHONE暫時有彈APP情況, 現正趕急處理中, 煩請大家先於網頁版觀看, 敬請見諒
[20:24] Wong Arbut: 多謝KC, See you soon!!
[19:31] Wong Arbut: 細價股真係要睇得好緊 轉身要快
[18:48] mihkoperator: 今日現場聽眾較多 節目將於7:15PM 開始 敬請留意
[17:14] mihkoperator: 原定下午6時播放的"KC推富圖"將會改為下午7時播出
[18:25] KC Chan: HI everybody
[12:41] MIHK.tv: 黎緊7月1號下晝2點到4點,MIHK.TV會舉辦有關澳門永念庭福位介紹座談會, 名額只限30個,快D打上黎3955 8673或者whatsapp 98108874登記報名啦!只招待mihk.tv訂閱用戶!
[18:26] mihkoperator: 因技術問題, 節目即將播出
[20:38] Arthur Yu: hi all
[18:07] Lck Leung: 1
[21:36] 傻波: Hi all
[22:02] Pak Lee: The people who subscribed are your die hard fans.
[22:01] Pak Lee: No problem KC. Just giving ideas on why it might seem difficult to increase the subscribers. The general public are hard to satisfy.
[13:51] KC Chan: Bound by limited resources and capability, I m afraid I m not up to the standard provides live shows on youtube.
[13:48] KC Chan: to exchange ideas. My post were a reference only.
[13:46] KC Chan: Thank you very much for Pak's Idea and the support to MIHK. In terms of the FB, honestly, its not part of the Eposide, its a media allows subscribers
[19:26] Pak Lee: and answers to people's questions on real time. It's just the competition is quite high. tbh.
[19:26] Pak Lee: Just my opinion. as there's much competition in the market. Like 港股策略王 who offers free live shows on youtube.
[19:24] Pak Lee: If there's a post on the FB page, people can action on it before the market closes which means it's too late
[19:24] Pak Lee: Appreciate if there can be more timely updates on the FB page. For example, like today KC mentioned it's a must buy when HSI dropped this morning. I
[19:23] Pak Lee: The weekly stock selection tool is great and I look forward to it every week, but the general public doesn't think like this as the market is changing
[19:22] Pak Lee: Right now, the paid member's FB page is not updated frequently and the same post sometimes appear on the Free member's page at the same time.
[19:21] Pak Lee: Hi Babi, the benefits of being a paid member against a free member have to be more apparent in order to attract people to subscribe. Right now, the a
[18:52] BABIWONG: Pak Lee 請問可否說出意見 等我地可以改善?感謝
[18:30] Pak Lee: KC, to be honest, I think it's the marketing's problem.
[18:18] BABIWONG: 大家要留意選股器!!過去90日命中率達90%!!
[16:43] Yuen: Request咗加入fb推富圖(付費會員), 但因mihk login email同fb login唔同, 冇人覆, 點處理?
[18:06] mihkoperator: KC在非洲,明天會錄影後上傳重溫
[22:41] Joe Tsang: 你地做乜呀?係又小唔係又小?
[15:07] KC Chan: 你到那FB要求加入便可以
[22:52] David Lam: 怎樣可加入fb推富圖付費會員專區?
[17:44] Teddy Cheng: 重未看到KC重溫呀?
[17:44] Teddy Cheng: 重未看到KC重溫呀?
[20:22] mihkoperator: 明天會重播,今日delay live
[19:47] Vincent : hello KC sir
[19:08] Bc chu: 高峰會友之後kc?
[19:07] Bc chu: 7時kc直播?
[18:20] BABIWONG: 仲可以加入fb付費會員專區同KC隨時交流投資心得
[18:19] BABIWONG: 成為訂閱KC推富圖用戶可以9折報讀KC親自教授既金融投資技術分析班!
[18:19] BABIWONG: KC推富圖推出震撼訂閱優惠!四人同行一人免費!
[22:18] Billvictor: 幾時有得重温?
[21:40] Kenneth Choi: 請問(20/1/2017) KC_推富圖節目幾時有得重温 ??
[21:18] Kenneth Choi: 請問今晚節目幾時有得重温?
[21:09] Sabrina Fung: what time KC starts?
[20:26] KW LO: 冇野睇??
[23:32] David Li: Good Show !!
[23:11] David Li: Hello, 大家好 !!
[22:38] Pak Lee: where can we see KC's channel
[22:38] Pak Lee: where can we see KC's channel
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